Water is commonly known as the universal solvent, which means it can dissolve molecules. Water’s dissolving capability is very extensive, it may not dissolve everything but it does dissolve more substances than any other liquid you can find in the world. Wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals and nutrients.
You can try a simple experiment to look at the dissolving function of water. Try putting some salt or milk powder into a glass of water. Stir the water with a spoon and you will observe that the salt or milk powder dissolve gradually in the water.
Why is water important to human health? As a solvent, water can do much to keep our body parts function properly and maintain our general health. Let’s look at some of the essential functionalities that water does for our body:
facilitates the transport of oxygen for respiration
helps kidneys remove waste from our blood in the form of urine
keeps the blood vessels open for blood to circulate smoothly in our body
helps the delivery of essential nutrients to our body
helps prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs)
The solvent properties in water not only affect human health but all living things on earth. We cannot emphasize enough drinking sufficient water daily is necessary so that the delivery system in your body can work properly and do not impair your normal body functions.
Another insight that you need to be aware of is that the water you drink has a direct impact on your health. Our national standard for drinking water quality sets out for human consumption, drinking water must be clear, and does not have objectionable taste, colour and odour. It must be pleasant to drink and free from all harmful organisms, chemical substances and radionuclides in amounts, which could constitute a hazard to the health of consumers. In summary, the water you drink must be clean and safe for consumption.
Around 3.1% of deaths in the world are due to unclean and poor quality water. The World Health Organisation estimated 80% of diseases worldwide are waterborne. You can see that choosing good quality drinking water is essential to prevent diseases from the source and maintain your general health.