打扫变享受?NESH HeroShine三合一洗地机神助攻!

如果传统的扫把、吸尘机、拖把让你耗时又耗力,那么一台 NESH HeroShine 三合一智能洗地机 可以成为你的家务神器,让打扫轻松又高效!一起来看看它如何帮你彻底进入“家务新时代”。
  1. 家务步骤繁琐,费时费力
  1. 地面污渍难以清理
  1. 清洁工具清理麻烦

NESH HeroShine 三合一智能洗地机:家务神器的终极答案

NESH HeroShine 三合一智能洗地机替代传统清洁工具的高效解决方案,将扫地、吸尘、拖地融为一体,轻松解决所有地面清洁难题。
  1. 智能污垢检测:知道哪里最脏
HeroShine 配备了 智能污垢检测功能,通过 LED 显示屏直观显示地板的洁净程度:
  • 红色:表示地面特别脏,自动增强清洁力度。
  • 蓝色:表示清洁到位。
  1. 一次性完成扫、吸、拖,节省时间和精力
传统工具只能完成单一清洁任务,而HeroShine 可以一次性完成扫地、吸尘和拖地,无论是宠物毛发、头发、零食碎屑还是洒在地上的饮料,都能轻松搞定。特别是死角和边边角角,也能全面覆盖无遗漏。
  1. 强劲性能,轻松解决顽固污渍
HeroShine 的高性能参数确保清洁无死角:
  • 高速马达:74000 RPM,快速吸走灰尘与污垢
  • 强劲吸力:15000 PA,即使是顽固污渍也能一键吸除
  1. 一键清洗+烘干,拒绝脏手清理
打扫后,滚筒刷的清理通常是“重灾区”,需要手动清洗不说,还得晾干。而 HeroShine 支持一键自动清洗和快速离心甩干滚筒刷,省心省力,不再让清洁工具成为负担。
  1. 智能全LED显示屏,电量一目了然
机器搭载了智能 LED 显示屏,不仅能显示地面清洁状态,还能显示电量剩余,确保你每次使用时都心中有数。
  1. 上班族
工作一整天回家已经很累,哪里还有时间和精力打扫?HeroShine 让你轻松快速完成清洁任务,节省时间去享受自己的生活。
  1. 宠物家庭
猫狗的毛发总是躲在沙发下或边角,普通工具很难清理干净。HeroShine 的强劲吸力,专为解决宠物毛发问题设计,给你一个毛发清洁无忧的家。
  1. 家有宝宝的父母
宝宝喜欢到处乱跑、乱撒零食?HeroShine 可以快速清理地板上的碎屑和饮料污渍,为家人提供安全、干净的环境。
  1. 追求品质生活的人
想要一个干净整洁的家,却不想花太多时间?HeroShine 带给你的是高效、无压力的清洁体验。
为什么选择NESH HeroShine?
  1. 家务神器,轻松搞定家务
从扫地、吸尘到拖地,HeroShine 一次性搞定,不再需要繁琐的家务流程,真正让你从“累死累活”中解放出来。
  1. 高效智能,真正省时省力
  1. 静音设计,无干扰清洁
家务不应该成为你的负担,而应该是轻松搞定的小事。 NESH HeroShine 三合一智能洗地机,不仅节省时间和精力,更让你重新找回整洁家的舒适感。
赶快入手这台家务神器,让你的生活质量再提升一个档次吧!无论是宠物毛发、地板污渍,还是饮料洒漏,HeroShine 都能让你轻松应对,真正享受“打扫无压力”的新时代!
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NESH Patented 400 Output Holes Membrane Design

More than 30 years, NESH has been focusing on continuous improvement in the water filtration system and technology to make sure we continue to deliver quality, clean and healthy water for households.

Through scientific research and development, NESH has improved and developed our membrane from the first generation in year 2004 to the patented third generation membrane launched in year 2018. It is the first and only membrane in the market with 400 output holes that grants faster and smoother water flow without affecting the water pressure of the house. So that you can use water happily with peace of mind at home.

The High Precision Ultra-Filtration Membrane

The high precision ultra-filtration membrane is made of hollow fibre with the size of 0.01 micron. This advanced technology is able to block any residues or micro-organisms that are bigger than 0.01 micron in size.

Impurities in the tap water are effectively blocked at the main water supply pipe before water entering the house. It removes bacteria, metal rust, heavy metal, mud and other residues derived from the recontamination of tap water during its journey through the water supply pipes before reaching our house water taps.


The function of membrane simulates our human body cells. Each individual membrane is high in density, therefore it is able to absorb, purify, separate and filter. Various industries like brewery, distillery, and textile have applied this technology in their production. Today, this matured membrane technology has been introduced into our household and further developed into highly effective outdoor filtration system.

O.O1 Micron

The size of each membrane hollow fibre is 0.01 micron, which is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. It can filter out anything that is bigger than 0.01 micron such as hepatitis A virus or calicivirus that is 0.025 micron in size. It can handle dirty water which is 100 times dirtier than average tap water.

It was proven through a series of SIRIM tests that the revolutionary NESH membrane is able to filter out 99.99% of residues like mud, sand, metal rust, heavy metal, hair and etc. The performance of this amazing technology is not achievable by conventional water filtration systems.

NESH Filter 3

Stage 9.


  • The only technology in the world to filter heavy metals including lead and mercury
  • Filters micro-organisms such as bacteria and algae
  • Prevents bacteria growth

Stage 10.


  • Releases activated calcium ions that are easily absorbed by the human body
  • Mild alkaline ph7.5 – 8.5 suitable for drinking and absorption
  • Enhances blood circulation

Stage 11.


  • Releases infrared energy to break down water molecules into smaller and aligned water clusters to increase water absorption properties
  • Smoother water texture and sweeter taste

Stage 12.


  • Extra minerals in water important to the human body

NESH Filter 2

Stage 3.


  • Filters pallets and oil based materials

Stage 4.


  • Effectively filters chlorine and other harmful chemicals
  • Removes harmful bacteria and organic pollutants
  • Deodorises the water

Stage 5.


  • The only technology in the world to filter heavy metals including lead and mercury
  • Filters micro-organisms such as bacteria and algae
  • Prevents bacteria growth

Stage 6.


  • Effectively filters chlorine and other harmful chemicals
  • Removes harmful bacteria and organic pollutants
  • Deodorises the water

Stage 7 & 8.


  • Filters pellets and oil based materials


NESH Filter 1


  • Filters mud, rust, heavy metals and micro-organisms

Stage 2.


  • Filters chlorine and other harmful chemicals
  • Removes unpleasant odours
  • Improved water texture

Qoozo Yellow Light

Activated Oxygen is generated through electronic discharge method when light turns yellow.

3 simple steps to sterilise:

Step 1:

Click on the button until the light turns Yellow, Activated Oxygen is generated through electronic discharge method.

Step 2:

Turn on the tap, Activated Oxygen Water is produced when Nesh Life Water infused with Activated Oxygen. Use the Activated Oxygen Water to wash your hands, soak your seafood and meat, or sterilise your kitchenware and baby products.

Step 3:

The presence of Ozone in the Activated Oxygen Water removes instantaneously bacteria and chemical residues, making your food safe to consume.

Qoozo Green Light

Activated Oxygen is generated through electronic discharge method when light turns green.

3 simple steps to sterilise:

Step 1:

Click on the button until the light turns Green, Activated Oxygen is generated through electronic discharge method.

Step 2:

Turn on the tap, Activated Oxygen Water is produced when Nesh Life Water infused with Activated Oxygen. Use the Activated Oxygen Water to wash, rinse or soak your fruits and vegetables

Step 3:

The presence of Ozone in the Activated Oxygen Water removes instantaneously agricultural chemical residues, making your fruits and vegetables safe to consume.

Why is NESH Qoozo a penguin?

NESH Qoozo, an Environmental Friend, A Symbol of Love and Wellness.
Today, the threat of global warming is alarming and undeniable. Melting icecaps in Antarctica has cost penguins their natural habitat, while rising sea levels threaten both surrounding inhabitants as well as the entire eco-system.
NESH Qoozo, inspired from Antarctica’s Emperor penguin, aims to spread consciousness in caring for the Earth. The environment is our common responsibility and a healthy Earth is the best gift we can promise generations to come.
NESH Qoozo’s mission is to constantly remind and educate the public and the children about the importance of protecting the nature.
Qoozo is not just an ordinary product, it is a symbol of love and wellness.

What is Activated Oxygen Water?

Activated Oxygen Water is the potent result of supercharging the Activated Oxygen (O3) or Ozone within water. By doing so, our filters produce water that has the unique capacity to remove dirt, bacteria and germs from almost any surface – 99.95% lab test proven. It also sterilises 3,000 times faster than chlorine.

  • Healthier lunches, dinners and longer food shelf life
  • Clean pets, sterilised household areas
  • Remove odours, reduce your detergent use and save money

3 Main Functions of Ozone

  1. Purifies

Instantaneously removes agricultural chemicals, making food safer for consumption.

  1. Sterilises

Sterilises kitchenware and baby products. No liquid detergent or soap required when cleaning hands.

  1. Deodorises

Removes unpleasant smelling odour from your food and utensils. Prevents halitosis or bad-breath.

What is Activated Oxygen (O3)?

‘Ozone is the most natural and powerful disinfectant known to man.’

What is Activated oxygen?

Activated oxygen is most commonly known as Ozone or O3. Ozone is the planet’s strongest oxidiser and disinfectant readily available for household and commercial use. It is 3,000 times faster-acting and more effective than chlorine in killing bacteria and viruses and leaves behind no residues, off flavours or tastes.

Activated oxygen or ozone is created when lighting strikes oxygen molecules (O2) in the atmosphere, splitting them into single oxygen atom (O) that then combines with unbroken O2 to create O3 or ozone that has a brief lifespan. The extra atom of oxygen becomes a scavenger, destroying pollutants, bacteria, viruses and odours. Colourless and non-toxic, this tri-atomic molecule is a powerful oxidation and decomposition agent that enables sterilisation and deodorisation when combined with other chemical properties.

Application of Activated Oxygen (Ozone) Today

Ozone has been used in many water treatment applications for over 100 years.

Today, ozone technology is widely used as an extremely strong oxidising and disinfecting agent, as well as a catalyst, in various industries, such as water treatment, health care, chemicals and food and beverage.

Penetrating into different areas, the application of ozone in our daily lives is a significant technological development. Set up in Canada in 1973, the International Ozone Association (IOA) holds an international conference every two years to confer the latest in ozonation development and technology.

Among the popular ozonation technologies in use today are the free-radical, ultraviolet (UV), plasma and electrical discharge method. NESH Qoozo is using one of the most popular ozone generating technology: electronic discharge method to produce Activated Oxygen (Ozone) for household use.

Main Areas of Ozone Application Today

‘Ozone is proven to be 3000 times faster than chlorine in eliminating bacteria.’

  1. Facial Cleansing Machines- Ozone destroys bacteria, hence it is extremely effective for detoxifying skin and combating skin problems with no painful side effects.
  2. Swimming Pool- Because of its strong oxidation and disinfection mechanism, ozone is used in swimming pools to replace chlorine and bromine containing disinfection chemicals. Olympic pools must use ozone for disinfection and oxidation.
  3. Bottled Water- Ozone is a common technology for sanitising water before the filling process, and it is USDA requirement for every bottled water be dosed with ozone as a part of the filling process.
  4. Dentistry– Ozone widely used in dental treatments as it has shown promise in helping disinfect areas of chronic gum infection.
  5. Wineries and Breweries- Ozone is used to disinfect barrels tanks and other equipments.

NESH Life Water

‘NESH Life Water allows you to improve your health from the inside out.’

NESH Life Water is the synthesis of technologies derived from Japan, the United States of America and United Kingdom. This award-winning technology contains 3 filter cartridges that generate pure filtered water directly to your tap with 4 key remarkable features: to cleanse, vitalise, sterilise and 

By clearing the water of all natural and man-made contaminants, you are left with an untainted substance brimming with nothing but the purest nutrients you need to live a healthy life.

  • Cleaner and better tasting drinking water
  • Neutralises pH levels in the water
  • A showering experience removed of harsh chemicals
  • Great skin, hair and nails.

NESH Life Water Filtration System transforms normal tap water into health-enhancing quality water. Its 12 layers of filtration technology is able to effectively dissolve and filter harmful residues in our tap water.

Local and overseas lab tests showed that Nesh Life Water Filtration System is able to filter 99.95% of bacteria and chemical residues in the tap water.

The filter releases a suitable amount of calcium ion to encourage body metabolism, revitalizes the body cells, increases our physical inner strength and fortifies the body to prevent ailments.

NESH Life Water meets the criteria of quality water:

  • Free of germs and harmful residues
  • Includes adequate amount of minerals
  • Includes adequate amount of oxygen
  • Smaller water clusters
  • pH level between 6.5 to 8.5