Different people have different water drinking habits. Some drink by sip, some by gulp and there are even people who love to chug water by simply gulping down a water bottle. What is your water drinking habit?
When you sip water slowly and allow the water to stay in your mouth before letting it pass through the digestive tract directly, the water brings along the alkaline saliva to your stomach, which can neutralise acid levels in the stomach. When the water is in your mouth, feel it and taste it, give a little chew to help mixing with the saliva before sending it to your throat.
On the other hand, gulping down water especially through a bottle causes water to run down the throat in fast motion, it would miss out on carrying the saliva to the stomach. Drinking too much water like this can flood your stomach, make you feel bloated, burden your stomach and bladder.
The research of Canada shows how sipping and gulping water affect the frequency of urination. Urination is 6 times lower for sipping water regularly as compared to gulping down large amounts. The body also absorbs more of the water and stays hydrated.
Therefore, gulping down water is not recommended because it may cause discomfort and burden to your body. Correspondingly, sipping water yields better health benefits by allowing your body to efficiently process the water and keep you hydrated, without increasing the frequency of urination.

But, most people dislike the bland taste of drinking water. If you are one of them, we strongly recommend you to try drinking Life Water. It’s a proven direct drinking health-enhancing water that tastes surprisingly better after going through 12 layers of patented filtration. Its molecules have been broken down into smaller sizes for better absorption.
How you drink water matters as much as how much and when you drink it, so that your body is kept hydrated throughout the day and your body can function at its best. Choosing the right water to drink will give you the benefit of 1 stone 2 birds.